Health Care
Our experts have received tens of staff years experience in top management and in diverse consulting projects of the best hospitals in Finland and overseas. The experience has been gained in our company and in other companies where our experts have worked.
Hospital Management
HUS and HYKS (16 best hospitals in Finland)
Lasse Laaksonen has been a deputy member of the Supervisory Board of Helsinki-Uusimaa Hospitals for four years. Laaksonen has been a member of the HUS IT Management Team for four years.
Consulting Directors
Project manager (THL and the University of Helsinki) in the intervention to suppress the SARS epidemic in Hong Kong. He planned the project, which was not implemented because the Finnish state demanded that the experts must stay in Finland due to the great danger in Finland, too.
MIS Director for a Largest Global Medical Aid Organization.
Quality System for a Largest Global Medicine Company.
National Institute for Occupational Health
General processes and systems and IT
Decentralized units, laboratories, processes
Medical laboratories
Physics laboratories
Biological laboratories
Psychological laboratories
Bedside care
General data warehouses, databases, concept structures of the department
Cancer data repositories and conceptual structures
Work history: exposures and illnesses
Orton; Disability Foundation and its hospital;
All functions
Bed compartment
General functions, systems
Rheumatism Hospital
cloned Orton's solutions
Deaconess Institute and Diacor
General processes
Diaconess College
Health centers
Kiljava Hospital
Computer network solutions
Definition, planning and implementation of Finnish food emergency storage systems (state grain system, meat system and milk system) in accordance with EU requirements. The system can manage any type of products and production chains, no need to have food. According to an official EU quality and productivity estimate, we were 300% more efficient than Austria at the same time, ceteris paribus.